A sacred system of natural healing

Ayurvedic Massages

Evidently Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest traditional medical systems, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. Basically the term “Ayurveda” combines the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge). According to the Text Books of Ayurvedic principles and practices, individuals incur illnesses and diseases when person imbalances harmony. Whenever the body, mind’s constitution (Prakriti), and life forces (Dosha) imbalances disease incurs. Therefore to heal the body conditions naturally, individuals must restore their natural mental and physical balance by reestablishing harmony between themselves beside the world around.


Body Massage with Ayurvedic Herbal Oils

Aroma Abhyanga

Increased healing power, stress reduction, and pain relief

reinvigorate-marma-abhyanga param wellness
Marma Abhyanga

Purifying and invigorating restorative method

Hot Stone

Smooth stones create soothing pressure on the muscle

Dynamic Chakra Balancing
Chakra Balancing

Controls the mental and emotional state of mind

Post-Natal Abhyanga

Highly beneficial complementary choice for post-partum care

Aloe-Vera Detox

A mixture essential oils and herbs

Ayurvedic Lower Legs & Foot (Pada Abhyanga) Param Wellness
Ayurvedic Lower Legs & Foot

Specific acupressure (reflex) points


Heated Herbal Poultice Massage


Traditional Ayurvedic dry massage provided with using special silk gloves


Ayurvedic Hot Stones Massage

Kansa Vatki Foot

Bowl made-up of Bronze, Tin, and other metals

Pre-Natal Abhyanga

Help in the proper development of the fetus besides well-being of the mother

Kati Vasti

External oleation (Snehana) traditional Ayurvedic procedure

Shiro Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Head)

Powerful and relaxing therapy

Ayurvedic Massages Details


Body Massage with Ayurvedic Herbal Oils

Basically, Galvanic Abhyanga Massage therapy can be recommended as an integral part of the daily routine for overall health and well-being. Furthermore full-body massage with specially formulated natural herbal oil massage helps to increase circulation. Especially to nerve endings area and toning the muscles and the whole body physiology.

Because of transdermal absorption of the natural herbs and oil used in the massage helps the skin to perform its diverse functions. Besides releasing toxins from the body explicitly nourishes the tissues.

Conversely our Galvanic Abhyanga Massage nourishes all over the body. Furthermore, it pacifies the dosha; relieves fatigue; provides stamina, pleasure, and perfect sleep. Also, it enhances the complexion, and the luster of the skin promotes longevity and nourishes all parts of the body. Additionally helps to calm the nerves, promotes lubrication of the joints, increased mental alertness and Improves elimination of impurities from the body.




Heated Herbal Poultice Massage

Ingredients: Organic Herbs, Honey, Lentil and Milk

Basically Elakizhi or Patrapotala Sweda is a sudation practice in Ayurveda treatments. Specifically fresh leaves of various herbal medicinal plants are selected and used on the bases of dosha. Chiefly herbs such as Eranda (Ricinus communis), Arka (Calotropis procera), Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), Coconut leaves, lemon and curcumin and other herbal ingredients are tied into cloth boluses. Afterwards these are dipped into warm medicated oil and used for massaging the body. Consequetly the treatment begins with the application of suitable medicated oil to the entire body. Eventually the massage therapy with heated boluses induces profuse sudation, which helps in the fomentation process.

To summarize overall benefits of Elakizhi it is effective for various kinds of arthritis, spondylitis, back pain, sports injuries and soft tissue inflammations. Because the massage promotes better circulation within the affected area and also induces perspiration which helps the skin to eliminate wastes. Additionally, it also helps to tone the skin and can be very relaxing.





Overall, Aroma-Abhyanga massage therapy combines powerful and time-tested techniques for increased healing power, stress reduction, and pain relief. Besides various herbs generally essential oils like Rosemary oil, Ginger, Tea tree oil, Neroli oil, Peppermint, Lemon, Orange blossom are selected according to the Person’s dosha. Chiefly this massage can provide healing, soothing, and relaxing effects.

Generally Aroma-Abhyanga Massage provides the most beneficial therapeutic and psychological care. Consequently it helps to reduce anxiety, ease depression additionally boost energy levels. Furthermore it speeds up the healing process, eliminates headaches, also boosts cognitive performance. Additionally, it also induces sleep, strengthens the immune system, reduces pain, improves digestion and increases circulation.





Specifically designed Restful Abhyanga-Gharshana Massage therapy is a traditional Ayurvedic dry massage provided with using special silk gloves. Generally in this massage oil is not used. Especially this massage is done with the whole hand using fairly vigorous strokes with the cupped hand (thumb parallel to the fingers).

Overall Restful Abhyanga-Gharshana Massage is especially recommended for a person with Kapha predominance. Particularly it stimulates the connective tissues helps in improving metabolism and blood circulation and removing impurities more quickly and easily. Additionally, It also helps in the prevention and reduction of cellulite besides reducing weight.



Marma Abhyanga


Altogether Reinvigorate Marma Abhyanga Massage therapy is a purifying and invigorating restorative method. Specifically, this massage combines traditional Ayurvedic massage techniques and Acupressure of Marma points (specific energy centers). Basically, there are about 107 Marma points on the body, explicitly each point serving a specific purpose. Regardless of the person’s age, Marma points are measured by ‘finger units. Different warm oils like Mustard oil, Coconut oil, Sesame oil, or other oils additionally with our unique ayurvedic herbal oils are used. The selection of massage oils for massage evidently depends upon each person’s Ayurvedic dosha type.

Overall Reinvigorate Marma Abhyanga Massage is recommended to enhance circulation. Generally, acupressure of specific point can help to relieve stress, negative emotions, deep pain relief, clearing of toxins. Besides it promotes healing, eliminates toxins from the system, and also regenerates the whole body for renewed health and vitality leaving skin naturally revitalized.





(Ayurvedic Hot Stones Massage)
Overall Zestful Shila-Abhyanga Massage therapy is an Ayurvedic version of Hot-Stone Massage. Correspondingly it starts with a body massage using our special blend of herbal body oil followed by a hot stone massage. Specially selected heated stones wrapped with cloth are rubbed all over the body. Since the stones also help to open the pores and then penetrate oil deep into the tissue and thus relax the tissue.

Emphatically Zestful Shila-Abhyanga Massage moisturizes, hydrates and detoxifies the body tissue. Also Cleans, tones, and conditions muscle tissue. Moreover, it rejuvenates, exfoliates and beautifies the skin tissue. Furthermore, it relieves pain and helps for conditions like-spondylitis, sciatica, upper and lower back pain.



Hot Stone


Comparatively Zealous Hot Stone Massage therapy is a specialized massage. Generally smooth black stones by our certified massage therapists on the specific points along the body. Eventually smooth stones create soothing pressure on the muscle. Consequently therapists use them to massage muscles with steady pressure. Because Black stone retains heat for a longer period of time owing to its rich iron contents. Meanwhile the heat from the stones penetrates into the muscles and help in the flow of energy in the body. Evidently the heat can be both deeply relaxing and help warm tight muscles. Hence the therapist can work more deeply and more quickly. Hot massage stones are heated to between 130 and 145 degrees.

Chiefly Zealous Hot Stone Massage techniques help in loosening muscles decreases muscle spasms and tension, improves joint flexibility, opens up blood vessels and improves circulation. It also helps in chronic pain relief, reduces stress, anxiety and also promotes better sleep.



Kansa Vatki Foot


Basically, Relevance Kansa Vatki Foot Massage therapy is done by using ‘Kansa Vatki’ (Bowl made-up of Bronze, Tin, and other metals). Because these metals are believed to be related with various body tissues and also pacify all three ‘Dosha’. Explicitly selected special heated herbal oils and other essential oils are applied to the feet and lower legs with particular emphasis on Marma points.

Particularly Relevance Kansa Vatki Foot Massage helps to reduce inflammation and pain significantly. Besides it relives headache and also relieves eye strain and along with insomnia. Furthermore, relaxes tired feet; improves joint mobility. It helps in balancing ‘Dosha’ that regulates body functions.



Chakra Balancing


According to Ayurveda, there are seven main energy centers in the body, known as chakras. Each chakra is located throughout our body so that it correlates to specific body ailment and physical dysfunctions and each energy center also controls the mental and emotional state of mind. When Chakras are out of balance they cause of ailments. It is a type of massage therapy.

Our Dynamic Chakra Balancing Massage starts with very low pitch Chakra chanting and then followed by the subtle massage to balance the Chakras. Specially formulated Ayurvedic Massage oils, essentials oils and colorful Chakra Gem Stones are used for this treatment.

Particularly Chakra massage helps to balance chakra which balances the body’s life energy, brings a sense of self, positive energy, positive feelings. Also, it helps deep relaxation and furthermore to reduce chronic health problems.



Pre-Natal Abhyanga


Eventually according to Ayurveda theory and practices Massage, Yoga poses, and Meditation help in the proper development of the fetus besides well-being of the mother. Comparatively it relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy. Basically, it is beneficial for backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches, and edema. Furthermore, our well-planned Blossom Pre-Natal Abhyanga Massage therapy with specifically formulated Ayurvedic oil, according to the needs of the client, during pregnancy is the beneficial complementary choice for prenatal care. Concurrently it is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. It is a type of massage therapy.

In General Blossom Pre-Natal Abhyanga Massage also provides relaxation, promotes flexibility and facilitates an easy delivery. Eventually Back massage reduces back pain, which is common during pregnancy, due to the pressure in the abdomen. Also, Breast massage helps to reduce stretch marks and keeps up the breast tone and prepares for nursing. Additionally, Foot massage helps to induce relaxation, improve sleep and reduces stress. Head massage helps to relax the mind and to relieve anxiety.

Generally, Body massage helps relaxation and strengthening of muscles, joints, and bones. Relieves aches and pains besides Calf massage helps to relieve leg cramps, encourages blood and lymph circulation.



Post-Natal Abhyanga


Comparatively our well-planned Blossom Post-Natal Abhyanga Massage therapy with specially formulated Ayurvedic oil is the highly beneficial complementary choice for post-partum care. Basically, Blossom Post-Partum Massage can be considered as a replacement for exercise. Specifically in the first few weeks after the pregnancy physical exercise is not yet appropriate. Comparatively it is a healthy way to heal, keep circulation flowing, keep wastes moving out of the tissues and body, and also rejuvenation.

Moreover, Blossom Post-Natal Abhyanga Oil massage supports rest, relaxation and sleep, reduces pain, and supports hormonal balance. Furthermore, it enhances the health of the skin, decreases the effects of aging & increases longevity, supports healthy lactation, Imparts tone and vigor to the tissues of the body. Also Reduces coarseness, stiffness, roughness, fatigue, numbness and promote overall wellness.



Kati Vasti


Emphatically Kati Basti is an external oleation (Snehana) traditional Ayurvedic and completely safe procedure, as it does not involve any kind of invasive method. Basically Kati means waist and Vasti means area involves retention of warm specially formulated herbal oil, in a reservoir, made of black gram dough, around the lumbosacral area or over the lower back or other parts of the spine. The overall duration of retention depends upon the client condition. Besides it is followed by a massage and steam for 10-15 minutes for better absorption of the medicated herbs. Chiefly Kati Vasti may be done for 5 to 7 days or as required according to the advice of Ayurveda Counselor.

Specifically, Kati Vasti Massage therapy can be useful for lower backache and disorders of the lumbosacral region, including slip disc, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, spinal problems, etc. Furthermore, our specially formulated natural herbal oils used according to ‘Dosha’ for Kati Vasti, medicated oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin which nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. Additionally, it cleans and enriches the blood and lubricates the joints keeping them flexible and pain-free. Indeed, Kati Vasti Massage can be taken as preventive care to avoid problems related to the back.




Aloe-Vera Detox


Chiefly Luminous Aloe-Vera Detox Massage therapy is done with a mixture of Aloe Vera Gel, Honey, Coconut oil and Aromatherapy essential oils and herbs. Especially formulated natural herbal blends contain a number of active components including natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids.

Altogether our Luminous Aloe-Vera Detox Massage helps to eliminate all the problems related to the consequences of stress, relax back and relieve tension in the neck. This massage seals the moisture into dry/damaged skin layers and helps to bring back glow and suppleness which make skin velvety soft.



Shiro Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Head)


The Head Massage therapy as it has been practiced in India for thousands of years and is a particularly powerful and relaxing therapy. Our Ayurvedic Head (Shiro Abhyanga) Massage uniquely concentrates on the head, neck, and shoulders, which are important energy centers within the body. Areas are massaged with warm Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Sesame Oil or combined with unique Ayurvedic herbal oils.

Furthermore Our Ayurvedic Head (Shiro Abhyanga) Massage helps not just physical but also, on the emotional and the spiritual level. It promotes healthy hair growth, restful sleep, more energy, mental clarity and improvement in concentration, relieving stress, strains and re-balance the whole body by promoting relaxation.



Ayurvedic Lower Legs & Foot

(Pada Abhyanga)
In our Ayurvedic Lower Legs & Foot (Pada Abhyanga) massage therapy specially formulated herbal oils are massaged on feet, legs, and knees with compression of specific acupressure (reflex) points.

Evidently Ayurvedic Lower Legs & Foot (Pada Abhyanga) Massage is a very stimulating massage. Because activation of the acupressure points helps to maintain or restore proper functioning of all parts of the body including internal organs. Besides its soothing effects on the eyes helps to alleviate the burning of the eyes. It also induces deep sleep, improves the luster of the skin, smoothens cracked skin of the feet, and relieves tiredness of the feet.