Yogic practices: The following Yogic practices were given to Experimental group over a period of 45 days. Svastikasana, Vajrasana, Supta vajrasana, Tadasana I & II, Trikonasana, Parsvakonasa, Pascimottanasana, Purvothanasana, Janushirshasana, Pavanamuktasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Viparitakarani. Ujjayi, Anuloma Viloma, Bhastrika Pranayama, Relaxton.
All the subjects under study were tested before and after 45 days of yoga training which consisted of 60 minutes of practice in a day. The result shows an overall improvement in the test: SGOT, SGPT and weight in Experimental group.
The present study reveals that the concerned variables have been rationalized in terms of the hypotheses that the Experimental group will outperform the control group due to 45 days of yogic interventions. The results could best depicted that, there is significant reduction at a level of significance p<0.05 in SGOT with p=0.02091. In the case of weight also there is significant reduction at level of significance p < 0.05 with p= 0.005223. Compared to experimental group, the control group has not shown any significant changes after the study. It reveals that the Experimental group has been benefited more in terms of various variables are concerned. The rationale for the yogic treatment could be offered in the following manner. The Yoga therapy can use as an aid to improve liver function. Yogic practices attain steadiness of body and mind, a feeling of lightness, suppleness and psychophysical poise (Rama ET’el1976). The Asanas tones up the muscles, helps in removing the disease and purifies the internal and external organs. It stimulates and tones up the pancreas, strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving the digestive system.
Yogic treatment will work more efficiently than other medicinal treatments in the improvement liver function. Regular practice of selected yogic techniques work as a therapeutic tool for the improvement liver function. The practice of yoga offers improvement of overall health and a relaxed outlook of life by making the mind peaceful and happy. Selected Yogic Practices administered in a more controlled set up under strict vigilance and for more duration can yield better results.
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