According to Gheranda Samhita from the seventeenth century, traditionally autumn is the best season to begin the yoga practices. Vandit September 16, 2024

According to Gheranda Samhita from the seventeenth century, traditionally autumn is the best season to begin the yoga practices.

According to Gheranda Samhita from the seventeenth century, traditionally autumn is the best season to begin the yoga practices.

With equal amounts of daylight and darkness, this time of the year is a reminder to find balance within ourselves and our lives. Fall often brings a sense of instability as temperatures and daylight hours decrease. Yoga practices can help create a sense of stability and balance.

Ultimately, Autumn is the season of letting go of what no longer serves us. By incorporating yoga in our daily practice, we shed our bad posture, health, behavior etc and transform into a better version of ourselves.

We begin our yoga practice from Autumn to thrive through harsh winters. This is the time to make yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and socially healthy with yoga. Yogasanas helps in keeping the body warm and healthy. It prevents stiffness and rigidity in the muscles and joints.

Certain yoga asanas and pranayamas help stimulate the immune system, which is crucial as the weather changes and we become more susceptible to colds, flu and other seasonal allergies.

Yoga helps to stimulate the immune system, which is crucial as the weather changes and we become more susceptible to colds and other seasonal illnesses.

The shift from the active summer months to the cooler, shower pace of fall can lead to imbalances. Yoga helps to balance energy levels, calming the mind while revitalizing the body.

As the body naturally shifts to cleanse and adjust with seasonal changes, yoga aids in detoxification by stimulating circulation and the lymphatic system.

The change in seasons can also affect mood and mental clarity. Yoga helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting mental and emotional well-being.

Overall, yoga serves as a holistic practice to align body, mind and spirit during the seasonal transition.