Baddha Konasana: Benefits, Cautions, and How to Practice Param Wellness May 4, 2023

Baddha Konasana: Benefits, Cautions, and How to Practice

In Sanskrit, baddha means “bound” or “caught,” and Kona translates as “angle” regular practice of baddhakonasana increases the flow of blood to the abdomen, hip, and pelvic joints. Pregnant women will experience less pain during labor and will be free of various veins if they hold the pose for a few minutes each day.

Sit in Dandasana, bend your right knee, and hold your right ankle and wheel with both hands. Draw your right foot toward your groin. Keep your left leg straight and resting on the floor.

Bend your left knee the same way as your right knee. Pull your left foot towards your groin until both soles touch each other. Make sure that both heels touch the groin. Rest the outer edges of both heels and touch the groin. Rest the outer edges of both feet on the floor.

Hold your feet firmly near the toes with both hands, and pull your heels even closer to your groin. Stretch your spine upward. Widen your things and push your knees down toward the floor. Look straight ahead. Stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Push both your knees down by pressing your things firmly down on the floor. Stretch your knees away from the torso. This will also help to bring them down to the floor. Then, pull your heels back to the groin and relax your groin. Press your ankles and shins down to the floor, and push your sloes lightly towards each other. Straighten both your arms by stretching your torso upward even further. Breathe evenly.

Take your hands behind your back and place both palms on the floor. Keep your fingers pointing towards your buttocks. Push your shoulders back. Stay in this pose for 30 to 60 seconds, breathing deeply.


Keep the kidneys and prostate gland healthy Helps to treat urinary tract disorders Reduces sciatic pain Prevents hernia Relieves heaviness and pain in the testicles if practiced regularly Keeps the ovaries healthy Corrects irregular menstruation Helps to open blocked fallopian tubes and reduces vaginal irritation Relieves menstrual discomfort and checks heavy menstruation.


Do not practice this asana if you have a displaced or prolapsed uterus.

Param Wellness is an authentic Ayurvedayoga & nature cure wellness center located in the heart of Oak Tree Road in Edison, New Jersey.

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